Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What does it mean when I say "garbage presence" in coastal zones? Take a look!

Six ring plastic holder, plastic cup, plastic bag

One night of fun, hundreds of years in the ocean

A popular boardwalk on a Monday morning

The morning after a storm.  Notice the blue oil container and overturned boat.

Plastic, styrofoam, wood flotsam.

Microdebris floating in the water column.

Birds looking for a tasty treat. Let's hope they don't mistake any of these plastics for food!

The location of study site number 1, with residents and visitors swimming in the ocean. Notice the garbage and lack of receptacle for the visitors to this beach!

Microplastics accumulating at the shoreline!

So many pieces of polymers, styrofoam, and other non-natural materials.

Garbage being swept away with the tide.

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